Tag: Gait analysis

The #1 running injury Plantar Fasciitis and how to deal with it

Plantar Fasciitis

As a runner, there is nothing worse than a nagging running related injury that just does not want to heal. Plantar Fasciitis is one of these injuries that left unchecked can easily ruin an entire race season. Listen as Dr. Brian Abelson, author of “Release Your Body- Resolving Plantar Fasciitis” and Richard Diaz discuss this…

The How, What and Why of the OCR Run Clinic

The OCR Running Clinic

Most athletes that compete in obstacle races no full well what they’ll get from participating… muddy, beat down and a great sense of accomplishment. They can’t get enough! Investing in the education and training to make an athlete stronger runners, have the ability to put in more work injury free, is a hard sell. We…

Coach Richard Diaz Rants on Running

Coach Richard Diaz Rants

Everyone knows that to be successful in the sport of Obstacle Racing you must develop your running skill. Never mind that of all recreational sports, running leads in the number of injuries that athletes endure. What’s interesting is that the leading cause of these injuries is improper running skill and could easily have been avoided with proper…

Transitioning from Heel Striking to Mid-Foot Running

Dr. Emily Splichal

Ever since Born to Run was released there has been a revolution from heel striking to “Natural” mid foot running. This revelation has spurred huge shifts in running shoe manufacturing and many runners who have made an attempt to this transition without proper guidance have suffered an entirely new set of injuries. Join me (Richard…