Category: Listen & Learn

How to Develop a Successful OCR Sprint Race Campaign like the Pros

New Year Training Plan for OCR

20017 was the year of change in the sport of OCR there seems to have been a power struggle between the Spartan and the Tough Mudder camps. The Television Networks have taken note of this explosive popularity and have answered the call by providing massive coverage of the sport.  NBC has virtually molded the race…

The Best of Episodes Review for The Natural Running Network

Black Friday Episode

The Natural Running Network has consistently delivered cutting edge information for endurance athletes for a bit over 5 years with over 300 episodes doled out weekly.  As a show of gratitude we decided to host a Black Friday “Best of Episodes” contest. The winners will receive gifts ranging from free entry into diaz human performance‘s OCR Run Clinics (valued up to $500)…

How to quickly reduce the effects of debilitating ankle injuries and get back into the race!


Nothing is more disheartening to an Obstacle Racer than an ankle inversion sprain weeks before that next big “A” race. Join Richard Diaz and his guest Dr Steve Capobianco Medical Director for Rock Tape as they discuss an easy ”do it yourself” treatment that can save you from serious down time away from training and…