Author: diazhp

Pre-race Conversation with World’s Toughest Mudder Champion Ryan Atkins

Ryan Atkins

Are you are a fan of Obstacle Racing?  Richard Diaz has asked Ryan to come onto “The Natural Running Network Live” to discuss his training, his awesome race season, and his prep for The Spartan World Championship and his decision to go team vs. solo and defend his title as World’s Toughest Mudder Champion. We’ll…

Barefoot Training Tips to Improve Running and Reduce Injuries

Listen & Learn

I am not a Barefoot Running advocate where unnatural surfaces are concerned; however, training unshod holds a wealth of benefits that translate into your running with shoes on.  We’ve brought back Dr. Emily Splichal, podiatrist and world renowned human movement specialist to share her insights on running related injuries, shoe selection and her pre-run barefoot…

Fixing your Diet for Performance

Listen & Learn

Pip Taylor is an accredited sports dietitian and professional triathlete who has written an interesting “How to” book titled, The Athlete Fix.  Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of good health and critical for sports performance.  Diets are typically confusing fraught with opinion and erroneous gimmickry.   Pip’s book explains how avoid foods that cause inflammation…