Tag: Richard Diaz

Coach Richard Diaz Rants on Running

Coach Richard Diaz Rants

Everyone knows that to be successful in the sport of Obstacle Racing you must develop your running skill. Never mind that of all recreational sports, running leads in the number of injuries that athletes endure. What’s interesting is that the leading cause of these injuries is improper running skill and could easily have been avoided with proper…

Transitioning from Heel Striking to Mid-Foot Running

Dr. Emily Splichal

Ever since Born to Run was released there has been a revolution from heel striking to “Natural” mid foot running. This revelation has spurred huge shifts in running shoe manufacturing and many runners who have made an attempt to this transition without proper guidance have suffered an entirely new set of injuries. Join me (Richard…

Sandbag Training Tips for Obstacle Course Racing

Crystal Seaver

Nearly all Obstacle Course Events include a heavy carry component and even those that don’t require hill climbing ability. These training challenges are best approached outdoors and typically best conducted by mimicking the actual challenge.  Where am I going with this you might ask? In this episode I have the pleasure of sharing some of…